Upgrade your skills
by studying Software Development online.

Don’t dread the rest of your career. Switch to a career in tech and find a day job you love. Pursue your dream of learning to code through South Africa’s top coding school.

Girl Financing

Switch your career
in just 1 year

Ready to dive into a new career or take your current one to the next level? Are you looking to learn to code while still working full-time? You’ve landed in the right place.

Our part-time Software Development program was designed with you in mind. In this structured yet flexible course, you'll learn sufficient skills to land a job as a software developer. You will spend approximately 10 hours a week mastering the coding fundamentals while gaining practical frontend skills and a conceptual understanding of backend development. Dedicate your evenings to working on weekly projects, attending an instructor-led session once a week, and participating in your online study group.

By the end of this one-year program, you’ll be equipped with a code portfolio and the industry-ready technical skills you need to make your career switch.

Take the first step towards your tech future.


Study Software Development part-time for 12 months.


Build your portfolio with real-world code projects.


Make the switch to your dream tech career.

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A coding course for career changers

Join our online, part-time, one-year course and become the developer you’ve always dreamed of being.

How the CodeSpace course caters for career changers:

  • You can learn from anywhere with our online course format. Once you clock off from your day job, spend 2 hours each evening actively engaging in the CodeSpace course material.
  • It’s flexible, so you can fit your studies into your already busy schedule. You’ll only need to be available for one contact session per week.
  • With our curated and industry-relevant curriculum, you won't waste precious time figuring out what you need to learn.
  • You’ll receive support from your code coach and online support team every step of the way.
  • You won't feel isolated. You'll be part of an active student community where you can form virtual study groups and ask questions when you're stuck.

Software Development

Access new career opportunities, grow your earning potential, and experience increased job satisfaction by learning to code with CodeSpace. Our Software Development program takes you from zero coding knowledge and equips you with the practical coding skills and confidence to enter a career in tech.


2 September 2024
Evenings (17h30 - 19h00)

Your learning journey

Start your coding journey by understanding web architecture and creating and styling a simple website to introduce you to the three core languages that work together to create interactive web apps: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will learn how to work in a software development environment, gain familiarity with version control systems, learn to work with wireframes, and how to present your code. Your coach will guide you to start thinking like a developer and help you to use AI to enhance your learning. 

Visual Studio Code
Presentation tools

Why make a career change into tech?

Learning to code will future proof your career. Not only will you learn the skills of the future and advance your career, these tech skills will broaden your job prospects in the tech industry and every other industry that uses technology.

Your earning potential will increase exponentially. Software developers and engineers are in the top 10 highest-paid careers in South Africa. You'll earn an excellent salary with exponential growth potential.

You’ll experience more job satisfaction. When you're pursuing a career that aligns with your personality and passion, your overall job satisfaction will increase.

Coding careers are in demand. Did you know that there is a software development skills shortage in South Africa? That means there's an increasing demand for skilled software developers.

A career in code offers challenge and variety. As a developer, you'll be creating new and exciting products, problem-solving a tricky line of code, or debugging. There'll never be a moment where you feel understimulated.

Your previous career experience holds value

Have you ever found yourself continuing with something, even though it's not really worth it anymore, just because you've already put so much time, energy, or money into it? That's called the sunk cost fallacy, and it's probably holding you back from making a career change.

Think about it this way. You've spent the past ten years in a career that's draining the life out of you, but you're afraid to leave it behind to pursue a more satisfying one because you've invested too much into it.

It's true. You probably have poured your blood, sweat, and tears into that career. But that shouldn't stop you from stepping away from a job that's no longer serving you. It's time to jump from that sinking ship.

But what about all your previous work experience? Will it just be a waste if you pursue a new career in tech? Definitely not. You can leverage your existing skills to your advantage. Soft skills like problem-solving, leadership, resilience, and good communication are valuable in the tech industry. Look at the skills you've gathered over the years and list those skills that will set you apart and add value to the role you're aiming for. Your previous experience can be an asset in your career switch -- you just need to frame it that way.

What's holding you back from switching to a career in code?

You fear starting over or being a beginner. If you've been working for a while, you may be a little scared to be the new kid on the block. But being a beginner is nothing to be embarrassed about. Starting a new career is admirable. Yes, you'll make mistakes, feel out of your depth, and maybe even fail sometimes. But if you diligently show up every day, you'll get to where you want to be.

You think no one will hire you because of your age. The tech industry cares about demonstrable skills. If you can get the job done, no one will care how old you are. At CodeSpace, we make sure you're industry-ready with a code portfolio to demonstrate your skills.

You're overwhelmed and don't know where to start. You'll often get well-intentioned advice saying you should start learning by yourself before you commit to a paid course. But which programming language should you begin with? What tutorials should you follow? Making those decisions by yourself can be overwhelming. In our Software Development program, you work through a highly curated curriculum and have support from experts at every stage. So you can just show up and do the work.

You don't have a lot of time. If you only have a few hours in the evening and on weekends, you have enough time to learn to code. It may take longer than someone who can study full-time, but you'll get there in the end.

The cost of retraining seems too high. When you've already invested money into your current career, it may feel like learning a new skill is expensive. But it doesn't have to be. At CodeSpace, you don't have to pay upfront. You can pay your course fees monthly or access a study loan.

How to finance a career switch

  1. Set aside savings. If you'd like to take time off to study full-time, the best option is to spend a few months saving enough to cover your monthly bills and study fees before you quit.
  2. Pay monthly. If you plan on studying part-time while you work, we have an option where you can pay your fees monthly while you're at CodeSpace.
  3. Get an education stipend from your current employer. If you'd like to move roles but stay at the same company, check with your HR department if they offer a stipend for employee skills development.
  4. Apply for an aggregated study loan. We offer a unique study loan with our partners at Student Hero, where you pay as little as R1300 per month.

We did it. They said it.

"I switched careers with CodeSpace's help"

CodeSpace is the missing puzzle piece I have been looking for to make my career switch possible. I love the culture of teaching and learning at CodeSpace, which makes it a great choice for a tech-edu institution.

Ontiretse M

"CodeSpace nurtures every student"

What stood out to me at CodeSpace was how the team fostered and encouraged every student. It was a wonderful learning environment with amazing coaches.

Dihan V

"I got a job in less than a week!"

I studied Software Development part-time at CodeSpace. The course prepared me really well to apply for jobs! In fact, I landed my tech job less than a week after graduating!

Ruan VN

"The perfect way to get a foot in the door"

I am grateful for my entire experience. Not a week goes by when I don't talk or share stories about CodeSpace. It is a super environment for personal and technical growth. I always felt comfortable asking questions and discussing the work being taught. If you want a foot in the coding door or a better understanding of the tech industry, CodeSpace is the perfect place to start. Thank you for opening the door to an entirely new world of opportunities and experiences.

Stephan M

"I moved from Medical Science into tech through CodeSpace"

The best things to come out of this course were the moments when you’re really struggling to make something work, and then you finally push through and succeed. It’s a eureka moment!

Carrie C

"The best decision"

Studying at CodeSpace is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I never thought I had what it takes to be in the tech industry. My time at Codespace completely shifted my perspective on how I see myself as a software developer and my view of the industry as a whole. The student support CodeSpace offers is incredible. A few times, I convinced myself that giving up was my best option, but my program coordinator was always there to offer a friendly word of encouragement and push me to do my best and keep going. That's exactly what I did! Now, I'm a proud graduate!

Jade B


How much do developers actually earn?

Software developers earn excellent salaries with exponential growth potential.

The old hands: Experienced software developers with 10+ years of experience can expect to earn R65,000 – R87,000.

In the middle: Mid-career software developers with 5 years of experience or more will be earning R37,000 – R45,000.

The newbies: Junior software developers in South Africa typically start in the range of R14,000 – R24,000.

Am I too old to learn to code?

A Japanese woman called Masako Wakamiya learned to code and created her first app when she was 82 years old. So you can never be too old to learn to code.

While there is no employment age prescribed by law in South Africa, many employers have set retirement ages for their employees. So please research the retirement policies at any tech companies you want to apply to.

What sort of experience do I need with computers?

To study at CodeSpace, you don't need any coding experience. However, an intermediate level of computer literacy is necessary to prevent you from falling behind.

I'm in between jobs. Can I study full-time?

You can sign up for our full-time 6-month Software Development program, which requires 25 to 40 hours per week.

Should I study with CodeSpace or do a free course??

There are many places where you can learn to code online for free. But did you know that only 7-13% of people go on to finish these courses, according to the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education? That's because only a tiny percentage of people have the skills and motivation to learn completely independently. At CodeSpace, we understand this and designed a coding education with code coaches that support you at every step of the learning journey.

It is like having a personal trainer but for coding. You can observe and learn from experts in the field and get feedback from your coach. This approach allows you to learn what you need to know faster and grow in mastery more effectively. You train more rigorously because you have the accountability, motivation, and expertise of someone who knows just how far to push you to reach your potential.

You don't have to go it alone. Along with support from your coaches, you become part of our active student community. You can ask individuals going through the same course content questions, get moral support, grow your network, and have fun together.